POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.general : Gardens - Panormaic vs standard 800x600? : Re: Gardens - Panormaic vs standard 800x600? Server Time
6 Mar 2025 22:11:41 EST (-0500)
  Re: Gardens - Panormaic vs standard 800x600?  
From: Robert J Becraft
Date: 7 Dec 1999 14:26:32
Message: <384d5f68@news.povray.org>
800x600 is equivalent pixel-wise to 1200x400 or 2400x200 or 1600x300... all
are 480000 pixels.

The problem with the 800x600 format is that to allow enough of a landscape
to be seen in that width, you have to be further back from the scene in
order to view it.  This increases the amount of wasted space on the top and
bottoms of the image and each pixel is less detail overall.

By going to a 1200x400 format, I can get right up close to the details in
the image and not loose objects on the left and right fringes of the image.

I've re-read the IRTC submission rules, and this may be a mute point "The
JPEG file must have a width dimension of 800 or less and a height dimension
of 600 or less. The largest image size we accept is 800x600, we recommend
you use that size, but if you'd like you can use a smaller size. "

Any IRTC Admins reading this and want to comment on why an image with the
same pixel count would not be acceptable?

I'll have to post the panoramic on a web-site for everyone to view and hope
that they do.

Robert J Becraft
aka cas### [at] aolcom

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